No Time To Panic

Despite media pearl clutching about President Biden’s debate performance, this is no time to fly off the handle with worries about the election coming in November. This will be a very high consequences election, but right it is time to work, not moan.

  1. Appearance is not substance. While Biden has been providing excellent leadership and by all measures is having a very successful administration, the skills required for a good debate performance are not those required for political and leadership success.
  2. Voters will have forgotten the debate performance by November. The same was true for Obama and Clinton who performed poorly in their first debates. Voters elected them.
  3. Changing horses in the middle of the stream has always been a bad idea. In this case it would guarantee the election of DJT and the loss of our democracy as early as next year. There is no way any consensus for a replacement candidate could happen, and the remaining campaign would be disjointed and ineffective.
  4. Important struggles are won by staying the course, digging in, and pushing through until the final whistle.
  5. People are afraid of the consequences of a new Trump administration, and rightly so. Don’t let that fear turn into panic. The game is not over, and there is a lot of work to do. Let this debate experience serve to as a wake-up call, not a knockout blow.
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